We Are Safeway Loan Insurance

We Are Safeway Loan Insurance

Reducing Risk and Premiums, One Client at a Time

Reducing Risk and Premiums, One Client at a Time

About the Company

About the Company

Independent means we work for you, our valued Client! Whether your company is an emerging business or industry leader we have the ability to assess and implement customized business solutions to control your exposure to risk and defuse the rising costs of insurance.

Our staff of skilled insurance professionals can customize programs that meet the specific needs of your company and your employees. We have knowledgeable specialists in all lines of property and casualty coverage, with the expertise and efficiency to keep your programs running efficiently and your employees safe.


Why Choose Us

Why Choose Us

We understand that controlling your insurance costs is paramount. Competing in today’s economy, companies must be vigilant to examine and analyze risk and insurance expenses. We specialize in helping our clients address and solve these unique challenges and save money on insurance.

Our History

Our History

Bruce Sams founded Safeway Loan Insurance in 1997 to serve the business community with risk analysis and insurance placement. Since then, the agency has grown and expanded its offerings to include Business, Personal, Group Benefits and Life Insurance solutions. We represent many of the best and largest A Rated insurance companies in the United States and around the World. Let us help you assess your risks and customize a program of insurance designed to exceed your expectations.

Ready to be a Champion? Get in touch Today!

Ready to be a Champion? Get in touch Today!

Our Team

Safeway Loan Insurance has assembled an exceptional staff of insurance professionals whose guiding principles are excellence and integrity in sales and service. Their commitment is supplemented with ongoing training, continuing education, and innovative technical resources. Our staff has helped us build a reputation for problem solving and saving our customers money. Superior service is a hallmark of our agency.

Our Specialty Services

• Risk Assessments

• Safety Manuals

• Employee Handbook Evaluations

• Alternative Risk Placements

• Loss Control

• Experience Modifier Evaluations

• Customized Return to Work Programs

• Captive Insurance Feasibility Studies

• Risk Management Services

• OSHA Compliance & Reporting

What Our Clients Have To Say

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