Halloween Safety Tips for Your Children

With Halloween right around the corner, make sure your kids are staying safe with these Halloween safety tips.

Halloween is a day of candy, costumes, and of course fun.  However, don’t let the excitement of Halloween make you forget about the dangers this holiday poses for your children.  Keep your little trick-or-treaters safe this year by following these easy Halloween safety tips.

Costume Safety

1) Make sure your child chooses a costume made of non-flammable materials.

2) Avoid floor-length costumes; they increase your child’s chances of falling.

3) Say no to face masks.  Face masks can obstruct your child’s vision and can make it difficult for them to walk around safely.

Trick-or-Treating Safety

1) Make sure your child is never alone.  Accompany younger children and make sure older children go out with a group of friends you know and trust.

2) Map out some boundaries with your child to make sure they stay in areas that you are both familiar with.

3) Advise your kids to walk not run.  Also, warn them about the dangers of darting in and out of traffic.

4) Tell you kids to avoid taking short cuts through parks, alleys, and backyards.

5) Warn your kids to never enter someone’s house and to never accept a ride unless they get your consent first.

6) Make sure your child carries a phone.  This way, they can stay in contact with you or dial emergency services if necessary.

Candy Safety

1) Always inspect your child’s candy haul before they start eating.  Look for any unwrapped, unlabeled, or homemade treats and discard them.

2) Try to limit your child’s sugar intake.  Your kid will definitely protest, but do what you can to avoid stomachaches.

Follow these easy Halloween safety tips to keep your little pumpkins safe this year.  Also, remember that safety isn’t just important on Halloween night.  Keep yourself and your loves ones safe all year long with the right insurance coverage.  To get the right policy for you and your family, contact the experts at Safeway Loan Insurance.  Our team can assist you will all your insurance needs.