Protect against the risk of fire by watching out for these surprising fire hazards around your home.
While having the right personal insurance in Dallas, Texas can give you some peace of mind, there are other steps that you can take to reduce your chances of a house fire. For instance, you can reduce your risk by watching out for fire hazards around your home. While most homeowners are familiar with hazards such as an unattended stove or precariously placed candle, there are other hazards that you might not even know about. Here are some of the unexpected fire hazards you should look out for.
Dust build up in your home can actually pose a fire risk. Dust is extremely flammable and accumulations of dust serve as the perfect kindling to get a fire going. You should be particularly concerned about dust build up near electrical sockets. All it takes is one rogue spark to set your home ablaze. Luckily, dealing with this issue is very easy. All you need to do is clean your house thoroughly, focusing your attention on places where dust is most likely to accumulate.
Stacks of Newspapers
Surprisingly, stacks of old newspapers have been the cause of more house fires than you would think. The fires normally broke out then the papers were placed near a gas tank, vent, electrical socket, or space heater. To mitigate your risk, simply be sure to recycle newspapers as soon as you are done with them.
Oil-Stained Linens
While rare, clothing or other linens stained with cooking oil, grease, or gasoline have been known to combust when run through the dryer. Normally, running oil-stained linens through the wash a couple of time is enough to minimize the risk of fire. However, if you want to be completely safe, then you can always just throw oil-stained linens away.
These are some of the unexpected fire risks that you need to look out for. Remember, another way to protect your home is by having the proper personal insurance protections in place. To find the right policies to fit your needs, contact the experts at Safeway Loan Insurance. Our dedicated team is ready to get you covered today.